If you are a day by bus or subway workers walk through the busy city, must often see many people stuck in the car listening to music earplugs. If you have a stroll in the campus, will certainly see a similar situation: the students who hung with all kinds of MP3 player at the table studying, or walking on the lawn.

You will find that they have my ears are eye-catching large white headphones. Yes, they are the apple accessories of Apple iPod player. Although there are many brands on the market for portable music players. But since its inception in 2001, iPod, to gradually occupy the dominant MP3 player market position.

Developed together with the iPod is the iPod accessories (English iPod Accessories) industry. These include a variety of auxiliary equipment, such as the iPod case and base. Although Apple will design the official accessories, and sales in the range of global sales, but many third-party developers into its own product brainstorms. Some people even think that the success of iPod accessories and no less than the iPod itself. Some experts estimate the value of the iPod accessories market is about $ 1,000,000,000

With a wide range of iPod accessories on the market, everyone's preferences can be met. Here to say "everyone" is indeed the means everyone - no matter how different he is. Below will introduce you to the top ten most bizarre iPod accessories.

iPod nano is that it's small size. The iPod nano only 7 cm long, 5 cm wide, weighs less than 50 grams, so it can be easily held in hands [source: Apple]. This feature makes the iPod special easy to carry, most users are used to put it in your hand, or stuffed in his pocket.

However, the company has developed a home iPod accessories, will allow you to use a new method to show off their iPod. This product also allows you to keep the iPod was safe appropriateness, imagination put cash, credit cards and ID cards as easy. The company developed called Marware iPod nano special wallet, the surface and no different from ordinary wallet - which consists of leather and available to cash, credit cards and identity cards in different compartments. However, if carefully observed for the iPod nano this special CEO wallet, you will find in the wallet has a special right of the bottom of the slot, slot hole dug two: a round click wheel used for exposed, square for the exposed screen. You can even charge the apple accessories of iPod nano in your wallet: the slot to open the bottom of a hole, the power can be inserted here.

Want to let everyone see your iPod? Today's trend is to wear them in the body. For example, joggers will use the convenient wrist strap or clip to secure the iPod. 've Had enough eye-catching, is not convenient enough? So take a look at another, more subtle way. A company called TuneBuckle can carry iPod nano is selling a special canvas belt.

This is the root of the aluminum belt buckle belt is just to put down the iPod nano's small box. There are a three different types of special belt: a special called The Original iPod belt to expose the entire front; called Full Moon's special belt can only reveal iPod's click wheel, and cover the other part; called Full Metal Jacket will be a special belt to provide protection of the iPod cover that looks like a sleek airplane seat belt buckle.

If you want to "close" contact with iPod, you can consider using the iBox - this man's inner shorts for iPod has a small pocket sewn. Let us pray that shorts will not suddenly fire it.

Peripheral to the iPod with their own products sometimes even more strange. The next section will introduce you to how clever iPod and underwear together.
It is designed for the iPod many interesting case. If you happen to wander in the mall the counter sales of iPod accessories, you will find a wide range of iPod case, and some fluffy, some fake fur, and some shiny, and some flexibility.

One of the most bizarre case than the iPod nano small underwear. It is shaped as the name suggests, is shaped like the iPod case briefs from the leather, just to fit in a single iPod. Although this case Apple has redefined the world of the concept of stylish and sexy, but it is not too practical - it covers the iPod's half a screen and clickwheel. Therefore, it is almost impossible to put this case before use in the iPod. So, unless you particularly like this "sexy underwear", or just want to buy play, or otherwise worked on the eye even if the addiction.

3/19/2012 06:46:56 pm

Well, every ipod deserves the best accessories such as the iPod case and base. Apple has apparently designed the official accessories, but its mainly third-party developers whose perfectly brainstormed products are really successful.

4/1/2012 03:10:48 pm

I love the apple accessories it so cute and very elegant. I think it is the perfect gift that I should buy for my best friend birthday. Thank you for giving me an idea.

9/11/2012 01:22:31 am

It seems everyone has a apple something or other these days. Why not get a cool case like this to make you stand out from the crowd. In a sea of everything being the same it is nice to have a little change.


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